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  • Posts by Kelly J. Bundy
    Posts by Kelly J. Bundy

    Kelly’s practice focuses on construction law, commercial and product liability law, with an emphasis on dispute resolution—including mediation, arbitration, jury and bench trials in state and federal court. She routinely ...

Most contractors have at least considered (maybe with dread) what may happen if an OSHA inspector arrives at a jobsite. But many contractors fail to do all they can to prepare for an inspection before the inspector arrives. Here are five key tips to ensure that you are prepared.

The ability to enforce mechanic’s liens rights depends on careful consideration before, during, and after construction. The following ten issues reflect some of the more common issues that arise with liens on construction projects.

Most design and construction contracts contain “dispute resolution” provisions.  Some contracts state that the parties must “mediate” a dispute before “litigation” or “arbitration.”  Through mediation, the parties attempt to resolve their dispute with the assistance of a mediator.  The mediator is not a decision-maker.  Rather, the mediator assists the parties through facilitating a negotiation.  Some mediators will offer their opinion regarding the likely outcome if the case isn’t resolved through negotiation.  Neither party can be forced to settle the ...

Sometimes referred to as “hold harmless” provisions, the indemnification section of a design or construction contract can have profound legal consequences.  The concept of indemnification is not complicated—indemnification is an agreement to assume a specific liability, potential or actual, of another party in the event of a loss.  It involves shifting risk from one party to another—essentially as insurance.  When a contractor or design professional indemnifies a client, she or he assumes some or all of the client’s potential or actual legal liabilities, which may ...

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