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With the health and safety of our valued clients and colleagues in mind, Hirschler is closely monitoring developments related to the COVID-19 outbreak. We are pleased to report that all three of our offices remain open for business. 

All Hirschler employees have been encouraged to follow the safety protocols outlined by public health officials and will remain vigilant. In the event the outbreak should result in office closures, our contingency plans will allow us to serve clients remotely, with same high quality service and responsiveness to which they are accustomed.

We recognize the COVID-19 outbreak is uncharted territory for the market and most businesses. Should you have legal concerns related to the outbreak— its impact on your contractual obligations, your role as an employer or resulting supply chain challenges—please contact your Hirschler lawyer for a courtesy consultation.

We hope you and your loved ones stay safe and stay well.

Media Contact

Heather A. Scott

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