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In an article published by Law360 as part of its “Secret Life of Lawyers” series, Courtney Moates Paulk is featured for her open water swimming endeavors. Courtney is an open water marathon swimmer, a title achieved by covering distances of at least 10 kilometers. Different swims are overseen by different governing bodies, but all prohibit wetsuits and all require that swimmers don’t touch the vessels that guide their journey. “You have to be able to say to yourself, I’ve got to push through this moment. Because it’s not about getting out,” Courtney explains regarding her exhausting swims. “It’s about continuing on with the swim and putting one arm in front of the other arm until you get to wherever you’re supposed to get to.” The article details some of Courtney’s greatest successes, such as becoming the 79th person and the 29th woman to ever complete an open water marathon swimmers’ triple crown in 2013, and discusses how she fits her swimming into her busy schedule as a construction attorney. Nate Story, who has served as a crewmember for two of Courtney’s swims, is also quoted. Subscribers to Law360 may read the full article here.

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Heather A. Scott

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