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Modern Healthcare

In an article published on October 13 in Modern Healthcare, John Ivins discusses the importance of planning when implementing electronic health records (EHRs).

A well-run health system should understand that there will be some disruption when implementing an EHR, so it must budget and plan accordingly. It is almost inevitable for a new piece of software as all-encompassing as an EHR to slow patient volume temporarily, and providers can be less productive when learning to use the new system.

But temporary productivity dips can be countered, and EHRs can help hospitals be more efficient by improving patient billing and faster laboratory turnaround times.

“The benefits to patient care are significantly better, so in terms of patient care, it’s worth it,” said John. “If you think of EHRs like any other capital system—a phone system, for instance—they are indispensable, so you have to just put them in your capital plan.”

For the full article, subscribers to Modern Healthcare may click here.

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Heather A. Scott

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