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In an article published by Mid-Market Report on June 4, 2020, Hirschler president Courtney Paulk discusses the impact of the pandemic on legal recruiting and operations.
One operational issue of focus for the firm was to ensure its culture of close collaboration for client service remained strong. “The most concerning thing to me has been: ‘How do we maintain our culture when we’re used to all being together?’” Paulk says. “We’re within two hours of each other and see each other quite a lot between offices.”
Paulk also discusses the firm’s commitment to continuing the summer associates program this year in support of maintaining a strong roster to address client needs. “For us, having those summer associates come in helps feed the associate pipeline,” she says. “If you lose that, it’s going to impact (the firm) long term. Part of what makes a law firm successful is having that bench strength, and that starts to erode without a pipeline.”
For the full article, ALM subscribers may click here.

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Heather A. Scott

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