Brandt Stitzer, Partner

Q: Why Hirschler?
A: Hirschler offers a work atmosphere that allows associates to direct their own career path. Here, you gain exposure to and manage clients as a young associate and also maintain a work-life balance. Most important to me was the opportunity to work on projects with senior partners rather than work exclusively for a junior partner or senior associate, which is exclusively the role of young associates in other firms.
Q: You split your summer experience between two law firms. What did you weigh in making your decision/what ultimately convinced you to join Hirschler?
A: The most important factor for me was flexibility. As an associate, I wanted to work in an array of practice areas and with multiple partners. My summer experience at Hirschler convinced me this was the right place for me.
Q: Do you find it difficult to meet the firm’s billable hour requirement of 1750 without sacrificing time off?
A: New lawyers often feel a tension between meeting billable hour requirements and doing right by the client. There is a learning curve in the beginning and yet, we respect that a client isn’t here to pay for our training. By giving associates “real work, right away,” the firm ensures that we can offer value to clients—and meet our professional requirements—at the same time.
Q: How do Hirschler staff members support your success?
A: The firm offers training opportunities for associates at different levels and in different practice areas. Hirschler’s support staff is experienced and willing to answer questions regarding firm protocol, processes and culture. I have found our support staff to be one the firm’s most valuable resources.
Q: Your wife is also an attorney. Are things pretty competitive at your house?
A: We’re not competitive. We both enjoy our jobs and enjoy sharing our experiences. We have a unique opportunity to socialize (and network!) with each other’s colleagues.