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Hirschler’s investment management team (IM Team) counsels a variety of investors, sponsors, advisers, and other participants in the investment industry across the globe.  Industry professionals and institutional investors seek our guidance on a wide range of investment matters, including private fund formations and offerings, engagements of banks, brokers and other industry service providers, investment terms, internal compliance and operational matters, fiduciary duties and compliance with federal and state securities laws and regulations.

Clients value our extensive experience in the investment industry and our practical approach to addressing their needs.  The size of our team allows us to focus attention on each client matter and address their issues efficiently and precisely.  Our work with both investors and advisers allows us to implement best practices from both worlds and provide guidance on how to better align interests. 



  • Represented a major endowment and a fund of funds in a synthetic loan facility in excess of $100 million from a European private equity secondary sponsor, collateralized by existing private equity limited partnership interests contributed by the investors.  The transaction allowed the investors to draw capital for new portfolio investments while retaining partial upside in the collateralized assets.
  • Assisted a charitable investment adviser formed to manage the supporting assets of a large public university and hospital from launch through to the present.  This representation has included tax-exempt qualification, formation of liquid and illiquid strategy investment pools to deploy over $1 billion in investment assets, negotiation of custody, swap and fund administration agreements with banks and advice on compliance with state use of public funds laws. 
  • Representing several of the largest U.S. state employee retirement plans in the U.S. on an ongoing basis This work involves negotiating and advising on the legal terms of billions of investments made annually by these three systems across all asset classes.
  • Represent numerous real estate fund sponsors across the U.S.  These fund sponsors invest across the spectrum of real estate holdings including retail, office, medical multifamily, hospitality and real estate debt.
  • Regularly represent financial advisors in transitioning from their employing broker-dealer (Protocol or non-Protocol member) to another broker-dealer or their own registered investment advisory firm.
  • Represented an outsourced chief investment office (OCIO) in completing a secondary purchase of an outstanding hedge fund interest by the OCIO’s foundation client.
  • Regularly represent institutional investors in negotiating and advising on their agreements with custodial banks, including custodial account agreements, prime brokerage agreements, securities lending agreements and ISDAs.





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